Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Introduction to my Garden

Over the years regular visitors to my blog will have noted frequent references to our garden at Cil Farm. When we moved in there just field - which became an obsession. We created all that's there. Anyway I decided that the Azaleas this year were such that I should share the beauty with you. But first here's five overall view shots which can be treated as an introduction to the garden. I'll try to find time to put up a 'garden blog post' once a week. Next week will be some of the Azaleas. I hope you enjoy. This first photograph is taken from near the house.
Next photograph is taken from the bottom of the main lawn, and shows off the pond that we dug out and the boathouse that we built, and where on a warm summer's evening we sit with wine and nuts and watch the widlife. Unfortunately that does not happen as often as we would like these days. If the Lib Dems were to have their way, I would have more time after May 2015!!
Next photograph is of the 'marquee lawn' which we made for Tim and Adrienne's wedding. The semi-circular rockery bed is filled with fuschias. I'll re-post this in Sptember when it can be compared with the plants when they have grown and are in flower.
Next photograph is a peaceful spot, quite near the house, which is an alternative when we can't be bothered to walk down to the boathouse.
Final photograph today is of the welcome that awaits when you visit us - alongside the drive.


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