Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Garden in mid/late January

Posted about our witch hazels a few weeks ago, but was so stunned by this one today that I thought it deserved a second outing. Its hard to believe that such wonderful colour is available in mid/late January.
The combination of Cornus, Hamamelis in variety and the Betula 'utilis' is almost as colourful as a summer border, with none of the work!
And this is what most of us associate with the start of the gardening year. They're not really out yet, and will probably make another appearance in a fortnight or so. We do grow a few fancy snowdrops, but these are just the common variety which stir the plantsman's interest in what's to come in almost every garden in the land.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree winter colours in the garden can be so lifting so very different to summer colours dorothy.